A Different Way of life for anyone seeking it.
Nashville, TN


“I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
WayChurch exists to show people there's a different way of life available for anyone who seeks it through Jesus Christ.
It’s a way filled with immense freedom, beautiful community and lasting purpose. This way will change you eternally and immediately. It fills the void between longing and experiencing. Where there was no way, there is one now.
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Our Strategy
We have a vision to help the community find Him on a deeper level. It’s going to take discipline, focus, strength and commitment - with Jesus, we can do it.
We are comitted to following the person and the ways of Jesus.
We are passionate about serving the city of Nashville in every way we can.
We are eager to gather together in community for worship, discipleship, and fun.
We are expectant as we step into our areas of the city on mission.
We are comitted to following the person and the ways of Jesus.
We are passionate about serving the city of Nashville in every way we can.
We are eager to gather together in community for worship, discipleship, and fun.
We are expectant as we step into our areas of the city on mission.
Meet the team

We are seeking churches, couples and individuals who will partner with us financially over the next 3 years to help us launch WayChurch.
Funding for WayChurch is a 3 year plan. 1 year of pre-launch and the first 2 years of the church. That total number is $800,000. Give online at https://waychurchtn.churchcenter.com/giving
We believe that prayer puts miracles in motion.
When people pray, god moves. Your prayers will be the wind that our ministry rides in on as we seek to serve and read the city of Nashville.
see our progress
We believe that God may be asking you to join us and move to Nashville, TN!
We hope that you would pray abouot joining our team. We believe that adventures and this might be one you were made for.
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